Summer School on Sustainable Tourism – Ancona (Marche Region, Italy)
Please let us inform you that from 5 to 16 September 2022 the “Summer School on Sustainable Tourism – Make a difference: how to evaluate the impact of tourism development on the Adriatic-Ionian Region” will be held in Ancona (Marche Region, Italy).
The Summer School will be organised by UniAdrion in collaboration with Marche Polytechnic University, under AI-NURECC PLUS, coordinated by the CPMR.
>>>For the application form and more details please consult this link.<<<
Please be so kind as to forward the information to any relevant institutions and contacts in your region.
Deadline for application: 05 August 2022
Thank you for your consideration. We remain at your entire disposal for any further information you may require.
Best regards, Stavros Kalognomos
Executive Secretary
AI-NURECC PLUS Coordinator
Rond-point Schuman 14. 1040 Brussels (BE)
Tel.: +32 2 612 17 08 | Mobile: +32 4 91 15 73 32
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